Hardwood floors squeaking on every step

I bought a house few months ago and I'm slowly getting everything in order. The house has a decent hardwood floors, except for the upstairs bedrooms. They need to be refinished to look decent but the bigger problem is the noise they make. They are squeaking really badly.

I have access to them from below so I tried to fix some of the spots with the standard fixes: shims, gluing, and even using screws to bind them back to the joists. Nothing really helps all that much, maybe a slight improvement.

So the question is what do I do? I'm thinking about replacing all of the upstairs floors with LVP since that would allow me to really secure the sub-floors to the joists and the panels themselves are really quiet since they have padding. Unless there is a sure way of making my existing floors quiet I think I'm forced to replace them.

submitted by /u/nowytarg
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